What does the NCPN stand for?
About our vision, about socialism-communism and what makes us a unique political party.
Read the latest statements from the NCPN here about current topics domestic and international.
Communist Youth Movement
The CJB is the youth organisation of the NCPN for everyone from the ages 15 to 35.
For more info visit their website
Read Manifest,
the newspaper of the NCPN
(only availiable in dutch)
The New Communist Party of the Netherlands (NCPN) was founded in 1992 as an continuation of the Communist Party of the Netherlands (CPN). The political parties in the Netherlands who aim for government, eventually all bend to the will of big capital. And this is where the NCPN distinguishes itself.
We are an anti-capitalist and marxist-leninist party.
We stand with the working class and the oppressed masses.
Would you like to know more about the NCPN?
The socialist society does not come automatically, but requires struggle from the working class, including you! The NCPN takes the lead in this struggle, and is based on Marxism-Leninism. This is the scientific worldview that Marx, Engels, and Lenin are the founders of. This theory provides tools to understand economic and social developments. Based on these principles, the NCPN stands up for the people and fights for a better future. Will you join the struggle?
Follow us on social media
Do you want to stay informed about all our actions and events?
Don’t miss anything and follow us on various social media platforms through the buttons below.
Website of the International Meeting of
Communist and Workers Parties (IMCWP)
European Communist Action (ECA)
Cooperation between Communist and Workers’ parties in Europe
VCG Foundation
Website of the “Foundation for the
Promotion of Communist Perspectives” (VCG)