International bureau of the NCPN
We gladly inform you that the 7th Congress of the New Communist Party of the Netherlands will be held on Saturday the 14th and Saturday the 21st of May.
The Congress takes place in the context of the sharpening contradictions of capitalism. The living conditions of the working class are deteriorating following the capitalist economic crisis, the policies of the European Union and the bourgeois government intended at safeguarding the profits of capital, and the terrible price inflation. The crisis also aggravated the inter-imperialistic contradictions, which have intensified in the past years as the imperialists compete over resourses, transportation routes, markets, and spheres of influence. This is expressed in wars that destroy the lives of millions of people, as is currently happening in Eastern Europe. The working class of the Netherlands and worldwide have suffered greatly from these and other developments. In such difficult and challenging times, the strengthening of our party is of the utmost importance.
The main themes of our Congress will be:
- Party building (the political-ideological and organisational strengthening of the party).
- The international and national developments, the work of the NCPN in the labour movement, and the tasks of the NCPN until the 8th Congress.
Furthermore, the Congress will discuss the report of action of the retiring Central Committee, the party finances and report of the Audit Committee, and the election of the new Central Committee and Audit Committee.The Congress documents are currently being discussed in all party organisations.
For practical reasons, it will not be possible to invite international guests. However, we invite sister organisations to senda greeting message to, preferably before the 10th of May, so that we can translate the messages before the Congress. Messages can be sent in English, but also in French, German, Greek, Hindi, Portuguese, Russian or Spanish.