Communist parties of Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands
On July 8 and 9, the 3-Party Conference of the German Communist Party (DKP), the New Communist Party of the Netherlands (NCPN) and the Communist Party of Luxembourg (KPL) took place once again, on the topic “Imperialist war and capitalist crisis, the role of NATO and the EU and the respective governments. The role of communists in the struggle against war and crisis”.
Representatives of the three parties intensively discussed issues of imperialism and war and the task of communists, a discussion that was conducted in solidarity. The participants are aware that the parties have different positions on certain issues, but the discussions were constructive and aimed at joint action and offered important ideas for further debate.
They informed about concrete effects of war and crisis in their countries and how the EU and the respective governments pass on the burdens of war and crisis to the working people, as well as about the different forms of struggle against this policy.
There is agreement that the common struggle against the imperialist alliances NATO and EU, for the dissolution of all NATO and US bases in our countries, against sanctions and economic war and against foreign deployments and arms deliveries, especially to Ukraine, must be strengthened.
German Communist Party (DKP)
Communist Party of Luxembourg (KPL)
New Communist Party of the Netherlands (NCPN)